About Us


Alter Ego Games is an Indie Publisher of boardgames aiming to create very innovative games with unique atmosphere and playability. 

AEG Games collects ideas and creates the right balance between aestethics and game design and as a final outcome all games are incomparabile pieces of art.


Alter Ego means the part of someone's personality that is not usually seen by other people and we think this concept is one of the key aspects of boardgame communities. Once at the same table with a boardgame placed on it any player has his/her own Alter Ego and is free to become whatever he/she wants. 


Our first Kickstarter campaign was The Faceless with the support of 5644 backers and many other amazing boardgame concepts will be developed and shared with you willing to create a great community of boardgame lovers. 

Our second Kickstarter Campaign was Ashes to Ashes with the support of 893 backers.


Alter Ego Games is a brand owned by ACME llc, Perugia (PG) Italy.